Sunday, 25 August 2013

And the Winner is ...

While I am packing my bag to check out of the Vancouver hotel room, my phone beeps … I have an email … I see it is from the Diagnostics Centre; they are sending a copy of the results of my pet scan.

  I don't realize that I as well as the naturopath would receive a copy, so I finish packing and check out before using the lobby internet to read my report.

   The moment I have been waiting for has arrived. I read the report, and I read AGAIN, and I read it again ...

Sooo, here it is everyone…


PROCEDURE:                          FDG/PET TUMOUR SURVEY

INDICATION:  Lobular breast carcinoma

TECHNIQUE:  389 MBq of FDG was administered intravenously following a six-hour fast and informed consent.  Prior to injection, blood glucose level was 5.3 mmol/L.  Approximately one hour post-injection, low mA non-contrast CT and co-registered emission PET images were obtained from the base of the brain to the proximal thigh.  

PETCT FINDINGS:  A normal biodistribution of activity is present throughout the whole body as imaged from the skull base to the midthigh. Specific there is no increased activity present involving the left breast. No increased metabolic activity is present involving the liver, or solid intra-abdominal organs with note made of hysterectomy.

The bony structures are within normal limits for age.

No pulmonary nodules are present.

No worrisome axillary FDG avid adenopathy is present.

IMPRESSION:  Unremarkable PETCT scan of the body. Specifically no FDG avid lesions identified involving the left breast, axilla, or internal mammary lymph node chains.       


Electronically Signed by:
Dr. R. Attariwala, MD PhD FRCPC FANM

EXAMINATION DATE: Aug. 21, 2013                          TRANSCRIPTION DATE: Aug. 22, 2013

The first phone call is to my mom, and many are to follow.

I can’t think of the right words to describe the moment I get proof via medical techniques, after choosing naturopathic treatment ... doesn't it seem obvious that we would all benefit if the medical establishment and the natural healers worked together?

Since we,  the people here in Canada, are blessed enough to have medicare, then we the people should also take some responsibility for the chaos of our health system and the state of our health. We are what we eat!

 Right now , I feel humbled about everything in my life.

Monday, 19 August 2013

And the Beat Goes On

Well I finally have a moment to share with all! 
Life's rollercoaster is keeping me busy.

I had the chance to enjoy my niece's wedding on the weekend and get another checkup from the medical intuitive.

Zinc oxide was found again in my small intestine, and left breast. For the life of me I can't figure out where or how I'm picking this up. 

Cancer and inflammation showed 10% in my left breast. I got lasered again to get rid of that and the zinc oxide, so there is no plan to cancel the pet scan......keep your fingers crossed!

  Other than that, my body read a very good checkup. Just because my breast read 10% cancer doesn't mean the cancer is active; there were no signs to indicate that, so hopefully another shot of laser took care of it.

  I've sure noticed a big change in my heartbeat. There are no more wonky heartbeats; that used to happen at least once a week. When I first got lasered, I was told that my aorta was very inflamed.

 My energy levels are good, so I'm off to Burnaby on Wed. The test itself takes about 3 hrs, and I won't know the results for 3 to 5 days.

I'll explain the whole procedure when I get back. Until then, everyone cross your fingers and toes!

Take care for now!

Monday, 5 August 2013

Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back

Well there's nothing like 2 steps forward and 2 steps back. 

I'm busy, on the go; my setback is expensive vehicle repairs. Geez, can't seem to catch up!

 I got my pet scan booked for Aug 21st in Burnaby. Now have to book flights and hotel rooms. 

I feel really good! 

I'm going to be busy the next couple of weeks so until then......enjoy summer! It's flying by.