home! I've been on the road for a week.
everyone, I know you are waiting to hear about the concerns that I've been
having..........Wanna see my Happy Dance again?
I got
checked out by the medical intuitive while I was home for my niece's wedding. What
I picked up was giardia, which is a parasite that usually comes from water. The
parasite settles in the ascendant colon and goes to the weakest part of your
body and in me it was my left breast and she also found it in my muscles. So, 2
rounds of laser took care of that.
also found zinc oxide in my liver. Zinc oxide is found in underarm deodorants
which I don't use so I don't know where I picked that up from.
pretty sure that I know how I picked up the parasite from water. In my
village, I go to the town water building for RO water.What I don't do is javex
my jug every time, so I will definitely do that on a regular basis.
She checked me out from head to toe. There is no inflammation, no cancer, no
nothing...I'm good to go! Yeeehaw!
My day
starts with a glass of barleygreen (I prefer the powder mixed with water). Next
is breakfast, which is always a super green smoothie.
In my
smoothies are 3 large kale leaves (cut out the stems), 1 inch of ginger, about
5 stems of parsley, 6 inches of cucumber, 1 avocado, 5 tbsp of hemp hearts, 1
cup of blueberrries, 2 tbsp of lime juice and a cup of water or almond milk. That
blender is packed! It makes 2 big smoothie cups and I drink it all!
My neighbor and I went together and ordered the sea minerals; they have arrived
and I had my first taste today. 1 tsp a day, you dilute it with water or doesn't taste that great but I don't care. When the order came, added
info was in the package telling us to also add Barley greens to our diet, which
we already do, and of course to eliminate red meat, soy products, alcohol and
I'm not
going to live in a bubble, but obviously what I'm doing is working!
I do
enjoy a glass of red wine and I still haven't beat those stinky cigarettes, but
someday I will conquer that addiction.
I am
going to book the pet scan for sometime shortly after the 17th of
August, as that will give me one more checkup before I go.
I feel
terrific. I have also started jumping again on my rebounder (mini-trampoline)
to oxygenate and strengthen my body. I'm
sitting at 115 lbs, no aches and pains, it's all GOOD.
I'm off
this week so hope to get caught up with house and yard stuff.
I turn
55 on Saturday. It can't be; just yesterday I was 20! My oh my, how life is
speeding by.
working some fairs and exhibitions this summer, so if I'm not reporting in on a
regular basis, you know that I am working.
next time, have a super green smoothie and put a big smile on your face. Have a
great week everyone!
P.S. My surgeon's
office still hasn't got back to me. I guess I'm not a welcome patient.