I was going to book the pet scan today, but will put it off for a bit. I've had the odd pain in my left breast and have been watching it closely every day. It looks a wee bit swollen and that doesn't sit well with me.
So I am going to get re-checked by the medical intuitive and will repeat the protocol that I followed before. I need to be sure about all of this, and am not wasting all that money on a pet scan until I feel satisfied with all results.
Sorry I haven't been writing much but have been so busy trying to keep up with life. Will write more at the beginning of next week.
Hey Bev, did you know that Saskatoon RUH got a pet scan, I'm quite it was RUH, not sure if you have to pay for it or not, maybe check it out, I was going to let you know when I heard about it but.. well you know me....take care. Net...